Ny Alesund

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The instrument is located in the AWPEV research station in Ny Ålesund on the Svalbard archipelago. It observes the atmosphere in the Arctic region. Of special interest are the Ozone depletion in spring and species which are related to the ozone destruction. The Arctic shows several specific features, which makes it especially sensible to changes in the cilmate:

The Arctic dome is a cold airmass which lies on the Arctic and isolates it from the lower latitudes.

The polar vortex: A chimney like structure which isolates the Arctic stratosphere from the midliatitudes. The air in the Polar vortex is radiatively cooled, sinks down and brigs radicals from the mesosphere and the thermosphere in the statosphere. The Arcitic is suroundes by the Jetstream, a region

The FTIR section of the national facility Ny Ålesund consists of an 120-5HR spectrometer in semiautomatic operation and accompanying measurements in the observatory. The instrument itself is undergoing ACTRIS certification.

The FTIR instrument at the AWIPEV station in Ny Ålesund is operational since 1992.

The FTIR station in Ny Ålesund is recognized NDACC and TCCON. Historic data are found in the NDACC repository

The data is analysed at the BIRA Brussels via central processing.