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Bremen is a city near the North Sea in the northwest of Germany. The NF Bremen is situated on the fringes of Bremen, a city of nearly 600.000 inhabitants. The station is near open area, a bit further away is a motorway and the Hollerland a Marschland (tidal marsh) region. The national facility Bremen consists of a Bruker IFS 125HR FT spectrometer on top of the NW1 of the University of Bremen. A solartracker always provides sight to the sun and follows it automatically. The solartracker is protected by a dome which is operated when the weather is suitable for measurements, i.e. no precipitation, maximal moderate wind, cloudfree sight to the sun. The station is going to be set up to operate automatically. Right now it is still operated manually when conditions permit.

NFBremen VideoNFBremen

The FTIR spectrometer at Bremen is operational since 2002. The NF Bremen is part of CREGARS

The NF is currently undergoing ACTRIS certification and passed the Initial evaluation.

The FTIR instrument in Bremen is part of the NDACC and TCCON networks. The NDACC data are found in the NDACC repository. The instrument serves as a reference instrument for other setups (currently the Mobile NF) of the University of Bremen. It also used for teaching and demonstration service within the CF CREGARS.

The NF will be fully automated (planned for Quartal 1 2025).